Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Green Door

Around the corner from where I live is a house with a green door
with strange metal work on it.
When I first saw this entrance I decided it was a witches house
or perhaps a Wizard lived there.
Once the door was slightly open and a ginger cat slipped out to sit in front of the mysterious green door, a strange ticking sound, like a metronome came from within.
Oh, I am curious about this green door and who dwells behind it! 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Sketch Warz

Warren Raysdorf (Talented Cartoonist, also know as my boyfriend) and I collaborated on this live art drawing as part of a street festival in Durban. We had black permanent markers, black PVA paint and 3 hours. Live art can be fun yet daunting. There were amazing dance performances going on at the same time so focusing was very hard!


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A Lovely Sunny Winters Afternoon

 A few weeks ago I had a lovely time crocheting around and around in bright pink cotton yarn with a plastic teal hook. I enjoyed the colours so much that sunny afternoon.
Mitsuko  stayed close, enjoyed the sun and sitting on the plants, which she often does.

A tree from a while ago